Register at multiple UMN campuses

If you are a degree or non-degree seeking student in good standing at one University of Minnesota campus (your home campus), you may take courses at another U of M campus (a host campus) through multi-institution enrollment. 

Consider Multi-I enrollment to stay on track for four-year graduation, explore academics, or gain class schedule flexibility. While engaged in Multi-I enrollment, your financial aid and degree/program status at your home campus will be maintained.

Steps for participating

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Step 1: Check your student status

You are eligible to apply for Multi-I enrollment if you are a degree or non-degree seeking student in good standing at your home campus. To be in good standing, you must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards and not be on academic warning or suspension.

Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) and College in the High School students are not eligible.

Step 2: Understand Multi-I enrollment types

Multi-I host campus enrollment

Only take courses at another University of Minnesota campus (host campus) for the term. 

Multi-I dual campus enrollment

Attend two or more University of Minnesota campuses (the home and host campus) in the same term. 

Multi-I study abroad enrollment

Participate in a study abroad program available at another University of Minnesota campus (host campus).

Step 3: Discuss plans with your advisor(s)

  • Confirm classes and grading options that will apply toward your academic progress with your academic or faculty advisor. You can use class search resources to find courses that interest you at the host campus you want to attend.
  • Contact us to understand how financial aid may be impacted. Review financial aid, tuition, and payment information below.
  • If you plan to study abroad in a host campus program, talk with your advisor and the study abroad office at your home campus.
  • If you are seeking admission to or want to transfer to another university campus, review the guide for changing your U of M campus and meet with your advisor to discuss your plan.

Step 4: Decide when to attend the host campus

Fall or spring

You can only take one semester (fall or spring) per academic year unless mentioned otherwise.


Summer enrollment is allowed on its own or in addition to fall or spring enrollment per academic year.

Study abroad

A study abroad experience can be taken fall, spring, or summer, and it can extend more than one term if that is how the study abroad program is structured.

Step 5: Review financial aid, tuition, and payment requirements

Financial aid

Financial aid eligibility is determined, managed, and disbursed by the home campus. You are responsible to use any credit balance to pay the host campus bill. Direct deposit is the recommended method to receive a student account credit balance.

If you have grants, loans, work-study, tuition waivers, tuition benefits, or scholarship funding, contact us to discuss the impact Multi-I enrollment may have on financial aid. Some aid may not be transferable or available while enrolled as multi-institutional. Zero credit and audit coursework are not eligible for Multi-I funding.


Residency status

The Residency status of “in state” or “out of state” of the home campus is used to determine tuition charges for all Multi-I enrollment types.

Reciprocity programs

If you have a reciprocity program agreement at your home campus, you must also apply for reciprocity at the host campus.

*If you do not apply for reciprocity, you will be charged the out-of-state tuition (non resident) rate.


Tuition rates are specific to each campus. ​ 

Tuition reciprocity does not automatically apply to the host campus. You must apply for reciprocity at the host campus.

Tuition banding (credit flat rates) of the home campus apply to host and dual multi-institutional enrollments. The tuition of the campus offering the class will be used, but your total tuition charges for all campuses will be adjusted to not exceed your home campus tuition band. Tuition banding is not available if you are a non-degree student.


Not all tuition waivers are applicable to Multi-I enrollment.


Multi-I host enrollment
  • You are charged tuition and fee rates of the host campus. However, this tuition will be adjusted, so it does not exceed the home campus’ tuition flat rate (tuition band) amount. If you want to pay the amount due on your student account in installments, you must enroll in a payment plan at the host campus.
  • You are responsible for paying the host campus. Failure to pay the host campus bill will result in late fees being assessed and a hold placed on your record.
  • You are subject to the course refunds and tuition refunds information, deadlines, and appeals of the host campus.
Multi-I dual enrollment
  • You are charged separate tuition rates and fees for classes taken on each campus and will receive online billing statements from each of the campuses. You must make separate payments at each campus. If you want to pay the amount due on your student account in installments, you must enroll in payment plans at each campus.
  • You are subject to adjusted tuition charges within the first two weeks of the term to ensure that the total amount will not exceed the home campus’ flat rate (tuition band) amount.
  • You are responsible for paying the home and host campus. If you have excess funds resulting from your student account credit balance at your home campus, you are responsible for applying the funds to any remaining bill at the host campus. Failure to pay the bill will result in late fees being assessed and a hold placed on your record.
  • If you are assessed student services or health plan coverage fees for more than one campus, contact us to have one set of fees removed.
Multi-I study abroad
  • You are charged the program costs associated with the study abroad program in which you participate. If you would like to pay the amount due on your student account in installments, you must enroll in a payment plan at the host campus.
  • You are responsible for paying the Multi-I study abroad program costs. Failure to pay the host campus bill will result in late fees being assessed and a hold placed on your record.
  • You are subject to the course refunds and tuition refunds information, deadlines, and appeals of the host campus.

Step 6: Submit the Multi-I enrollment application

Application to Register at Multiple University of Minnesota Campuses

  • The deadline to submit is two weeks before the start of your intended Multi-I enrollment term. If that deadline has passed, see academic calendar for planning and registration guidelines.
  • If you take a course at another campus that is not approved through the Multi-I application form, the course may not count toward your degree requirements.
  • The process to transfer campuses is different from Multi-I enrollment. If you are seeking admission to another university program or campus, review the guide for changing your U of M campus.
  • Applications should be submitted to a student's home campus, regardless of the desired campus of enrollment
As a Twin Cities or Rochester student, you can find the application for the Multi-Institutional Enrollment program above. Note: Rochester and Twin Cities students can take classes on the other campus without filling out this request.

Step 7: Register, check credits, and understand refunds


Follow registration guidelines, enrollment permissions, and registration appointment times of the campus(es) offering the classes.  Your Multi-I courses will be included in your grade point average (GPA) and on your transcript. 

Your registration status (e.g., senior, junior, etc.) does not change and is based on your home campus. However, if Crookston is your host campus, you will follow their registration times under the multi-institutional registration status, and you must request class permission numbers for online registration.

Mult1 course

Note that you will be registered for “Mult1” at the home campus when you enroll in this program. This Mult1 course calculates the total number of enrollment credits from all campuses for the term and appears on your transcript.

If you do not register after being approved for Multi-I, contact us to inform the University of the change. The Mult1 course will be treated like a “dropped” class, so it will not appear on your transcript. This will be done by the end of term.

Check credits

Check that you are following credit requirements and maximums on your home campus.

Understand refunds

Course refunds are determined by the refund schedule of the campus offering the course.

Multi-I appeals

For exceptions to the Multi-I application deadline, late enrollment adds/drop or withdrawal deadlines, or tuition refunds, you must appeal at the campus offering the course.

If you are seeking exceptions to the Multi-I participation frequency, you should inquire about the process with your home campus.

Switch your home campus

Multi-I enrollment is not the way to transfer between UMN campuses. If you want to transfer campuses, review the guide for changing your U of M campus.