If you are admitted to a graduate career (master’s, PhD, or certificate), or an academic degree or certificate program in an Academic Health Center professional career, you may register in more than one career (or as non-degree) during the same term. This is called dual-career registration.
Restrictions and warnings
- Undergraduate students can seek multiple degrees at the same time, but cannot be degree-seeking at both the undergraduate and graduate or professional careers simultaneously.
- Graduate students in master’s, PhD, and post-baccalaureate certificate programs are not allowed to take classes simultaneously at the degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking graduate level during the same term.
- As you register, select the career level you want for each class. You will not be able to go back later and change it after registration. If you use a class as part of a degree program, you must register for it under your degree program career.
- The same refund and cancel/add deadlines apply to any and all classes for which you register, whether as degree-seeking or non-degree.
- If a degree program requires continuous enrollment, you will need to follow that requirement even if you were not planning to otherwise register in that career.
Dual-career: Register in two careers using the web registration system during your normal registration time. When you register, a drop-down menu will allow you to select the career you want to register in for each class.
Non-degree: Graduate and professional students who wish to take classes as a non-degree student can register during the non-degree open enrollment period. Read more about how to register as non-degree. Note that adding classes using web registration is not available for non-degree graduate level classes.
Tuition and fees
You will be charged tuition and fees according to each career level in which you register. Tuition and fees for all coursework, regardless of career level, will be posted to your University student account.
Course credits count toward tuition bands and plateaus only if those credits are taken in the career for which the band or plateau applies. For example, a graduate-level student taking 6 credits in the graduate career and 3 credits as a non-degree undergraduate student will be charged the 6-14 credit graduate tuition band rate, plus the per credit charge for the undergraduate classes taken at the undergraduate level.
If you are in a degree program, but also register for a course as non-degree, you are exempt from the University requirement that non-degree students must pay their tuition in full by the first billing due date to avoid having their courses canceled.
Financial aid
If you take classes in two concurrent degree programs, your financial aid will be based on the actual tuition and fee charges in your student account. If you have been awarded scholarships, contact your department or college to ask about your scholarship eligibility.
If you take classes while in a degree program and at the same time enroll in a class as a non-degree student, you cannot receive additional financial aid for the non-degree class. However, after all tuition and fees are paid for classes in the degree-seeking career, the student may use any remaining financial aid to pay tuition and fees for the non-degree classes.
Exit counseling for dual-career
If you are in a dual-career program (such as public health and law), understand that even though you may be half-time or greater in your current program, if you are below half-time status in your other degree program, you will have to complete exit counseling each and every semester this happens.
If you have any further questions about this, contact Student Account Assistance at [email protected], or 612-625-8007.
Classes taken at separate career levels will only appear on their own career level on your transcript. Classes taken as a non-degree student will appear on the undergraduate or graduate record according to the course. These courses will not appear on the degree program transcript.
Each career level has its own calculated GPA; only classes taken at that career level are used to calculate that career level’s GPA. If you are using a course as part of a degree program, you must register for it under your degree program career so that it appears on the appropriate transcript.