- Before submitting your thesis/dissertation, you must ensure the following:
- The thesis is in its final version. Once submitted, revisions cannot be made to your thesis unless you are instructed by Graduate Student Services and Progress (GSSP) to do so. More information on formatting requirements can be found below.
- The full text is in one file.
- The full text is in Adobe PDF format.
- The complete file size is no more than 1,000 MB
- A user account is created at ProQuest ETD Administrator (different than your UMN username and password).
- Once you have fulfilled the requirements, submit your thesis at ProQuest ETD Administrator.
- In addition, fill out and submit the Thesis/Dissertation Approval and Deposit Agreement.
You must follow the University of Minnesota formatting and submission guidelines. The guidelines found in your department or in the University Library to format your thesis may not meet current formatting guidelines. The Graduate School website includes additional writing resources for graduate students that may support you while writing your dissertation or thesis. GSSP cannot provide technical support.
Formatting your thesis or dissertation
The full text of the thesis
Requirements: The full text must be in Adobe PDF format and must be one file. "Full text" refers to all introductory pages, the body of the manuscript, bibliography, and appendices.
Requirements: Every page of the thesis, including all appendices, notes, and the bibliography, must have top, left, right, and bottom margins of 1 inch (2.6 cm).
Additional recommendations: If intending to print your manuscript, a left margin of 1.5 inches (3.9 cm) is recommended.
Requirements: You are responsible for correctly numbering and organizing sections in your thesis. Page numbers cannot be placed on the left-hand side (portrait orientation) or the top margin (landscape orientation) of the thesis.
- The title and copyright page must not be numbered or counted. Page numbering for the rest of the introductory material is required and is expressed in lowercase Roman numerals, beginning with page “i”.
- The main text, illustrations, bibliography, and appendices are considered the body of the manuscript.
- Every page in the body of the text, through the bibliography and appendices, must be numbered in Arabic numerals starting with page 1.
Tables and figures
Requirements: Color may be used in tables, charts, or graphs. However, references to color may not be made, as reproductions may be in black and white. Identification of lines and figures on graphs and charts must be made clear by the use of line symbols rather than variation in color. Captions may be single-spaced.
Additional recommendations: A list of figures is recommended if you include figures, and a list of tables is recommended if tables are included in the dissertation. Students should follow the standard within their field of study. If included, each list must contain the page number of where each figure or table can be found in the thesis. The list of figures or list of tables must be represented in the table of contents if included in the thesis.
Requirements: The bibliography may be single-spaced and should appear either at the end of each chapter, or before the appendix . Students should follow the standard within their field of study. If a cumulative bibliography is used, the bibliography must be represented in the table of contents.
It is recommended that students include an abstract following the standard within their field of study.
Requirements: If included, the abstract may appear as a comprehensive section in the introductory materials or as a section in each chapter.
Request to delay the release of your thesis/dissertation
You may need to delay the release of a thesis or dissertation to the public. During this holding period, GSSP will not release the thesis/dissertation to the public. Any copies of the thesis/dissertation purchased through ProQuest will be fulfilled after the hold expires. ProQuest has assembled a guide to help you decide if you need to hold your thesis/dissertation.
At one time, you may request a hold that is:
- 6 months
- 1 year
- 2 years
If needed, you may also submit an extension to your first hold request. You can hold your thesis/dissertation for up to 4 years total. This is in accordance with the University of Minnesota Board of Regents’ policy regarding the withholding of research results. You are responsible for extending the hold request before the expiration date if necessary.
When your hold or your extension expires, your thesis/dissertation will be released for circulation to ProQuest, University Libraries, and the University Digital Conservancy (part of University Libraries). We will not contact you when the hold or extension expires. We are unable to honor any hold requests that we receive after the thesis/dissertation has been released.
If you have questions or would like to release the hold on your thesis/dissertation before the expiration date, please contact GSSP.
Submit a hold request
- On or before the last working day of your intended month of graduation, submit a Thesis/Dissertation Hold Request form (requires login). To complete the form you’ll need the following information:
- Your major, degree, and graduation month and year
- The title of your thesis/dissertation
- The reason and a brief explanation of your hold request
- The length of time for the hold request
- Your advisor’s/co-advisor’s UMN email
- The form will be routed to your advisor(s) for approval.
- The hold period begins immediately after the official degree conferral date (last working day of graduation month).
- You’ll receive an email confirmation when the form is processed.
- Keep a record of the expiration date of your hold.
Submit an extension
- Before your hold request expires, submit a Thesis/Dissertation Hold Request Extension form. To complete the form you’ll need the following information:
- Your student ID number and UMN email
- Your major, degree, and graduation month and year
- The title of your thesis/dissertation
- Length of your previous hold request
- Length of time you wish to extend the hold (total hold cannot exceed 4 years)
- A brief explanation for the extension request
- Your advisor’s/co-advisor’s UMN email
- The form will be routed to your advisor(s) for approval.
- You’ll receive an email confirmation when the form is processed.
- Keep a record of the expiration date of your extension.