Change major, minor, or college

Follow the instructions based on the change you'd like to make. We encourage you to talk with your advisor about how the change may affect your timely graduation and/or financial aid. 


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Change your major or minor

  1. Tell your current advisor you'd like to change your major or minor. They can advise you on next steps.
  2. Learn about any requirements needed to make this change.
  3. Understand how it will affect your timely graduation and/or financial aid.

Add a second major/degree

If you want to earn more than one degree (such as a BA and BS), and the second degree is in a different college:

  1. Tell your advisor about the change you'd like to make. Learn about the requirements needed to add a second degree.
  2. Understand how this may affect your timely graduation and/or financial aid.
  3. Submit the Additional Undergraduate Degree Program Application to One Stop.

Change your college

To transfer from one UMN college to another within the Twin Cities or Rochester campus:

  1. Talk with your current academic advisor to discuss your plan.
  2. Understand the transfer requirements and deadlines for applications for the college you're switching to.
  3. Complete the Application for Undergraduate Change of College (for undergraduates only).  

NOTE: This application is for the following current or previously-enrolled University students:

  • Twin Cities students who want to transfer to a different Twin Cities college
  • Rochester students who want to transfer to the Twin Cities

If you are transferring from outside the University, or if this is your first semester at the UMN Twin Cities campus, please visit the Office of Admissions transfer admission page.

Twin Cities college transfer requirements and application deadlines

College requirementsFall deadlineSpring deadline
Carlson School of Management (CSOM)February 1October 1
College of Biological Sciences (CBS)February 1October 1
College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS)August 1 (priority by Feb. 1)December 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
College of Design (CDES)August 1 (priority by Feb. 1)December 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)June 1 (priority by Feb. 1)December 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS)August 1 (priority by Feb. 1)December 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA)August 15 (priority by Feb. 1)January 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
College of Science and Engineering (CSE)

June 1 (priority Feb. 1)

December 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
Program of Mortuary ScienceAugust 15 (priority by Feb. 1) January 1 (priority by Oct. 1)
School of NursingMay 1 (priority by Feb. 1)   No spring admission
School of Public HealthJune 1 (priority by Feb. 1)No spring admission
College of Pharmacy

April 1 (year 4), June 1 (year 3)

Priority by Feb. 1 

No spring admission
Dental Hygiene - School of DentistryJanuary 6No spring admission