If you plan to graduate in 4 years, read the tips below for guidance on how to achieve your goal. Graduating in 4 years can save you time and money.
Take 15 to 18 credits every semester
Enroll in at least 15 credits every semester. The University of Minnesota requires a minimum of 120 credits for an undergraduate degree. Many graduates finish with more than the minimum number of credits.
Consider May or summer classes
If you fall behind on your program requirements, consider taking summer classes to make up for lost credits. They can also ease your academic load during the school year. While there are many benefits to summer enrollment, be aware of any effects it may have on your financial aid.
Avoid dropping or repeating courses
Make an effort not to drop more than one or two classes during your entire college career. Similarly, avoid repeating classes. Work towards earning satisfactory grades, and plan your classes carefully so that you can swiftly make progress on your program requirements. These principles will save you time and money.
Balance school with other responsibilities
Make an effort to prioritize school and create a healthy school-life balance. Between classes, work, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities, you may have a lot on your plate. Keep class attendance and study time as your main priorities.
Meet often with your advisor(s)
Take advantage of the knowledge and resources of advisors. Talk to them about your ideas, questions, and concerns. They have a lot of knowledge to share and can point you in the right direction.